Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation   Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation

Lookup Detail View

Contact Information
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License Information
License NumberDescription StatusFirst Effective DateEffective DateExpiration DateEver Disciplined
051301150REGISTERED PHARMACISTSUSPENDED05/30/201801/09/202403/31/2026Y

Disciplinary Actions
Click here for definitions of the different types of disciplinary actions the Department may impose.

The Reason For Action from this Lookup dates back to January 1, 1990. Any actions and/or Reason For Action taken against a license prior to 1990 may not be displayed. Note that the Reason For Action is extracted from the Monthly Disciplinary Report. Therefore, the text in this column may not begin appearing until the report for the month/year the discipline was issued has been compiled.

Please Note: Reason for disciplinary actions which occurred for Real Estate professions prior to February 1, 2008 will not be listed here. Please contact the department for information regarding past Real Estate disciplines.
Case NumberLicense NumberActionDiscipline Start DateDiscipline End DateReason for Action
2021002596051301150Suspension05/19/2024 pharmacist license indefinitely suspended for a minimum of two years due to his June 23, 2023 conviction of twelve counts of the federal offense of theft of property as a result of Respondent stealing COVID-19 vaccination cards from the pharmacy where he worked and selling said cards.

Generated on:  10/14/2024 12:18:23 AM